Monday, 9 February 2009


Exciting new word time, kids. And it's one of those words that, once heard, will never leave you. TopShop calls them knitted jeans, urban outfitters goes with the 'pull on jean', but asos has come up with the jegging. Say it a few times.

Think the urban outfitters ones are woven, and not unrelated to actual denim, (although not 100% sure) but TopShop and asos have definitely gone down the jersey path to create these lovelies. But I am a sucker and I do think they could look pretty cool.

It is a bit worrying that this extreme profusion of all things crazy denim is leading up to the exact opposite, which is that denim disappears again. Those dark days in the 1990's when combats took over are still talked about in hushed tones by denim professionals everywhere...

Due to huge popularity, I have a further post on the Jegging here.

1 comment:

  1. Those are not good looking pants, I rather buy viagra than to spend money on those.
